variables are used to refer memory location. memory is used to hold the values. In python we don't need to specify the types of variables because python is a type infer language and smart to get variable type.
variable names can be a group of digit and alphabet ,but they have to begin with a letter or an underscore.
- the first character of variable must be an alphabet or underscore.
- variables not contain any white-space (space) or special character (! , @ , # , $ , % , etc)
Declaration Variable and Assigning Values
we don't need to declare explicitly variable in python. when we assign any value to variable that variable is declare automatically.
Example :
>>> a =100
>>> print(a)
>>> a= 'ProgGeek'
>>> print(a)
Multiple Assignment
Python allows to assign multiple variable in single statement.
Examples :
- Assign single value in multiple variables
>>> a=b=c=100
>>> print(a,b,c)
100 100 100
- Assign multiple values in multiple variables
>>> a=b=c=100,200,300
>>> print(a,b,c)
100 200 300
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